Category: software
Acrylic Software’s Wallet, great password manager for iPhone
(Updated 12/3) To keep track of all the various web site passwords, log-ins accounts, serial numbers and other top secret secrets in my life, I’ve been using the OS X version of Acrylic Software’s Wallet program (Acrylic was formerly known as Waterfall Software). It’s one of the best looking and best performing password managers I’ve…
Facebook isn’t a web site (or a spaceship), it’s a time machine
I’ve been thinking a lot about Facebook lately. A couple of months ago, maybe around the time Barrack Obama got the Democratic presidential nomination in Denver, a funny thing started happening with my 50 or so “friends” on Facebook. Since I joined earlier in ’08, there’s been an awful lot of dead air — most…
Spam farm web sites trying to gain on Twitter
The past few weeks, I’ve been getting an increasing number of followers on Twitter. Gee, I thought to myself, I didn’t realize my random complaints about professional sports and financial news coverage were soooo insightful. Then I started checking out just where a bunch of these new followers were coming from. I ended up on…
Foxmarks browser sync adds great password syncing feature
Don’t you love it when software designers listen to their customers? Gives me a warm feeling all over. So kudos to the authors of the incredibly useful Firefox bookmark synchronization add-on Foxmarks. After the demise of Google’s great browser synching tool back in June, I turned to Foxmarks to keep everything in tune on my…
Sony ereader seeking wide open wireless
Fascinating week in the land of electronic books and the devices to read them. We got a fresh rumor, complete with picture, about the next generation of the Amazon Kindle which we already know definitely isn’t arriving this year. But the much bigger, non-vaporish news was the announcement of Sony’s third-generation digital book reader, dubbed…
Harvard Bookstore gets solid new ownership
Back in May, I fretted a bit about the future of the Harvard Bookstore (not affiliated with the university), one of the last great indie bookstores left in these parts. Today comes news that a retired tech executive and his wife have bought the store and intend to keep its operating philosophy intact. New owner…
How much old software do you really need to save?
Even after the great closet clean-out of December, 2007, my closet is still kinda full. Well, very full actually. One of the things it’s full of is old software program disks and manuals. In this corner, we have the game Master of Orion II for Macs, issued in the mid-1990s. That’s fine as there’s also…
Review: iTunes 8 is nifty but in need of a few tweaks
Downloaded the latest, greatest version of Apple’s iTunes software this morning and I’m finding a lot of love from the new “genius” recommendations. There are a few annoyances that can easily be fixed in an 8.1 — or even 8.01 — version but on the whole it’s a worthy upgrade. By default, the genius is…
Absolutely, positively no new Kindles in 2008
I guess it’s a day for short posts! New York Times reporter Brad Stone did what reporters are supposed to do and asked Amazon chief spokesman Craig Berman about all the rumors of new Kindles. Berman didn’t beat around the bush: “One thing I can tell you for sure is that there will be no…