Category: software

  • Firefox 3.0 for Mac improves on an already fine browser

    Last month, I first noticed that version 3 of the Firefox browser was nearing completion and downloaded the “release candidate” for some early trial runs. Yesterday, Mozilla released the finished 3.0 Firefox and I’ve updated all my Macs. I’m hardly alone. The download counter at Mozilla is getting close to 9 million on just the…

  • Tivo tip: Shut down everything to transfer shows off a TivoHD

    For a while now, I’ve been trying in vain to move a copy of the film Notting Hill off my TivoHD and onto my iPod. It’s all legit. The TivoHD allows such a transfer using a Mac and Toast’s Tivo Transfer software. The Tivo itself is networked with one of Netgear’s Powerline HDX101 adapters, which…

  • Google browser sync is dead. Now what?

    As a guy with far too many computers, well, at least four that I use on a regular basis, keeping things in sync is kind of hopeless. Instead, some computer gets assigned a certain task and all the related files. I use my Macbook Pro for email, for example, and digital photography lives mainly on…

  • Unwired for a weekend, re-wired blahs

    I spent the weekend at my 20th college reunion — big fun and all credit to the wife who championed going (we met in college!) over my objections. But it meant there was little to no time for twittering, yelping or any of the other various and sundry online activities I typically engage in from…

  • Tivo already connects your TV to the web content you want

    We’ve been happy Tivo subscribers for almost two years now. We started with a Toshiba RS-TX20 model that also has an integrated DVD player/recorder. That was an awesome combination (just one remote!) but its been discontinued. Not just the model — the whole concept. So when we added a high-definition television set and Verizon’s FIOS…

  • Kindle or no, we still need great book stores

    (UPDATE: In October, 2008, new ownership promised to maintain the store’s essential character – phew!) Woke up and received a slight slap in the face as I read the morning paper today. Seems that Frank Kramer, owner of the very fine Harvard Book Store in Cambridge, Ma., is planning to sell his establishment. Make no…

  • Apple forgets to ask Civ creator about Missing Mac version

    I have to admit that even though I occasionally play computer games on my computers, almost always Sid Meier’s Civilization IV, I had no idea that Apple had started a dedicated web site about gaming on the Mac until I caught this link over at Inside Mac Games. Three cheers for Apple for encouraging and…

  • That terrific, cheap Flip video camera’s getting updated

    I was checking out a post over on CNet’s techno trends blog and I came across an item about the cheap-o digital video camera called simply The Flip. It reminded me to rave about ours, which my wife ordered a few weeks ago from Amazon for $150. This tiny cam runs on a pair of…

  • Next version of Firefox gets ready for prime time

    Seems like the Mozilla project has been working on the 3.0 upgrade to free, open source browser Firefox since time began but really it’s only been since the Pleistocene Era. Finally, we’ve arrived at the so-called release candidate (download here), or the almost, not quite but really almost finished beta version. I was hanging around…

  • John Markoff needs a new job or at least a new beat

    Ever know someone who got laid off or otherwise had an involuntary job change mid to late in their career and ended up feeling re-energized and renewed at their next job? Happened to my dad, thanks to Newt Gingrich becoming Speaker of the House, but that’s another story. It’s that time for New York Times…