Category: Companies

  • Verizon wants more dough for occasional wireless modeming

    Sometimes you want to check your email and there’s no wifi and there’s no signal for your Sprint wireless broadband modem. Stuck? Maybe, but you think, well, gee, my Verizon Treo 700p with an unlimited data plan has EVDO and Bluetooth. Shouldn’t I be able to get online with that? Start off simple – try…

  • Syncopation is a good option for syncing iTunes libraries

    (Updated on 7/10) I have too many digital media files and they’re getting disorganized. I want to be able to add stuff to my iPod on the road, so my MacBook Pro is therefore my “main” iTunes library. I typically buy new digital music or TV shows on that laptop and rip CDs or DVDs…

  • Making my WordPress site legible on my crummy mobile phone

    Stuck with my Treo “smart” phone in an airport recently, I decided to navigate over here to my blog via its wimpy browser. The Treo is on Verizon’s 3rd-generation broadband service so even though I have a fair number of pictures on the front page, I figured all would be okay. Nope — the experience…

  • All I ask is a full-frame and a single mirror to sail her by

    With apologies to 19th century English poet John Masefield, I have an issue with my digital camera and none of the major camera vendors are helping me out. As we all learned way back in the days of Kodak Tri-X and silver-halide, the field of view of your basic human being is about equivalent to…

  • Damp, drizzly November in my computer-acquiring soul

    Last year was quite a year — maybe the best year ever — for acquiring computers around these parts. In January, bulking up my new home office, I bought a 24″ iMac. Best desktop computer I’ve owned, by far. In April, my mom needed a Windows Pc to do her taxes so I sent over…

  • Android, iPhone and the push for a real mobile Internet

    Plenty of “news” today about the mobile Internet, prompted by this Wall Street Journal piece on Google’s Android mobile phone operating system.  The Journal’s story is chock full of details of the internal struggles of Android developers and carriers that may support Android phone. While Google had said phones running Android would be available in…

  • The Kindle is for readers, the Kindle is for readers

    Web marketing guru Seth Godin has a Kindle and he seems to like it but he’d also like it to be more revolutionary in a very Godin-esque way. Okay. He’s also incredibly sexist. Godin claims the Kindle is “for women” because 1. it’s ugly and 2. the top 10 best sellers are not tech-heavy and…

  • Tivo tip: Shut down everything to transfer shows off a TivoHD

    For a while now, I’ve been trying in vain to move a copy of the film Notting Hill off my TivoHD and onto my iPod. It’s all legit. The TivoHD allows such a transfer using a Mac and Toast’s Tivo Transfer software. The Tivo itself is networked with one of Netgear’s Powerline HDX101 adapters, which…

  • Following up: the new iPhone is even more expensive

    Got plenty of opinionated comments on my prior post about pricing of the new iPhone 3G. Thanks for all the comments. Just a couple of quick responses from me First, my main point is about how Apple and AT&T’s shift from higher up-front cost to higher per-month fees radically altered the sales projections. Thought experiment:…

  • Google browser sync is dead. Now what?

    As a guy with far too many computers, well, at least four that I use on a regular basis, keeping things in sync is kind of hopeless. Instead, some computer gets assigned a certain task and all the related files. I use my Macbook Pro for email, for example, and digital photography lives mainly on…