Category: Companies
Clean the closet – before and after
As I mentioned yesterday, we did a huge closet cleaning project recently. Here’s the before shot (notice the pile of 10 years of junk from the likes of Linksys, Apple, Fuji, Brother, Uniden and every other brand I’ve ever blogged about): And here’s the after shot:
Ignore that cranky Mossberg and his Kindle whine
I kept meaning to predict that Wall Street Journal gadget reviewer Walt Mossberg was going to pan the Amazon Kindle e-book reader because he’s hyper-sensitive to minor flaws. But life intervened and I didn’t get the chance. And, of course, now he has. Sometimes Mossberg is right on, but unfortunately with the Kindle, he’s far…
Kindle reviews by folks who actually have seen one
Amidst all the misinformation about Amazon’s new Kindle electronic book reader, particularly coming from people who have never touched or used it, here’s a list of reviews from the fact-based segment of techdom: Gizmodo checks Kindle in the bedroom, on an airplane and atop the porcelain throne. Not quite a home run, just a triple,…
Ignore the static: Kindle is great for reading
Wow, the new electronic book reader from Amazon, Kindle, sure is getting a lot of absurdly misguided and factually incorrect criticism. My fingers are getting sore from responding to such a tide of disinformation in comment boxes scattered across a zillion web sites. Just this morning, I’ve been writing a lengthy comment to a Kindle…
Test bed Leopard upgrade reveals some issues
Well, the UPS man finally brought my family pack upgrade copy of Mac OS X 10.5 aka Leopard. As I mentioned the other day, I have no immediate plans to install it on either of my main systems, the 24″ iMac or 15″ MacBook Pro, known respectively as “Gigantico” and “Lunar Excursion Module” or LEM…
Leopard upgrade? Not today, baby
Excited about Apple’s new Leopard OS X upgrade? Me, too. It’s got plenty of desirable new features, great and small. Did the Fed-Ex guy just drop it off and you’ve ripped open the box and got the shiny disk right in your hands? You’re drooling as you read the back of the package and start…
Verizon FIOS – wowie, wow, wow
Umm, wow. Verizon arrived yesterday to switch our television, Internet and telephone service to their spiffy, new fiber optic system called FIOS. The tech, who was amazing, spent the entire day at our house installing all the various bits. When he was done, we had super-fast Internet, many channel cable with high definition channels and…
Back in the New York Groove thanks to HBO
One of the wireless phone companies, I think it was, some years back concocted a crazy service to help identify random songs by calling them in to some all-knowing, tune-analyzing super computer. You know — hear a great tune on the radio, dial up the supercomputer, hold your phone up to the speakers, and find…
Netgear’s nearly identical powerline adapters
After my recent whiny post about Netgear’s confusing line of networking adapters which run over your electrical wiring, a friend this week volunteered to take my medium-speed powerline adapters off my hands. So it’s on to the grown-up stuff: the supposedly 200 megabit per second bad boys. Annoyingly, the faster version has no model with…
Anyone wanna buy a used Airport Extreme?
Had to expect this but, still… “Two peripherals also reached the Apple Store on Tuesday without a separate announcement. AirPort Extreme revision The AirPort Extreme Base Station introduced in January now adds gigabit Ethernet without a price hike ($179).” (via AppleInsider)