I have recently been declaring my love for my Nespresso D290 coffee maker that brews up one quick & tasty espresso at a time, so I was immediately favorably disposed toward’s Mike Gunderloy’s post over the holiday weekend on Web Worker Daily. Gunderloy has four recommendations for improving productivity for work at home folks like myself. I summarize them in the headline: more (computer) screen space, more (afternoon) caffeine, less paper and less noise. It’s all good advice. Here’s Mike on the afternoon cup of joe:
Many web workers are fueled by caffeine. If you’re one of them, you likely know how nasty the coffee is at the bottom of the pot in the afternoon. You can get rid of that nastiness once and for all by buying a single-serve coffee maker that churns out one cup at a time when you want it, fresh. There are a variety of these machines on the market at prices ranging from about $30 to $300. If you want to try one cheap, check out the Share Senseo promotion, which will score you one for $15 if you fill in the right answers for their survey (hint: tell them you belong to lots of clubs and are influential with your friends and family). One thing to watch out for – the special coffee packets that these machines take are more expensive than regular grounds; you can beat that by purchasing aftermarket refillable packets.
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