Just one blogging app at the iPhone app store isn’t enough

It’s definitely an all-iPhone, all-day kind of day with wall-to-wall coverage everywhere. I’m keeping up with the torrent of news at John Gruber’s Daring Fireball site as well as the most useful Mac aggregation site I’ve found, MacSurfer. There’s so much out there that I almost want to avoid writing anything more but one weird and glaring hole did jump out at me when I perused the iTunes App Store. Where are all the blogging apps?

Ok, Movable Type folks got one but nobody else. Kudos to MT! But where’s a WordPress app for me an my ilk? Or what about some of the incredibly excellent third-party blogging apps on Mac like Ecto and Marsedit? A little help here, please.

A search for “blog” at the app store turned up just seven results (see picture below), including the previously mentioned TypePad app. The rest are apps for quickly posting photos taken with the iPhone or for keeping up with social networking sites, which are both fine niches to fill and all, but what about us writers?

Only one real blogging app for the iphone so far

UPDATE: Via this support thread, I see that back in April WordPress CEO Matt Mullenwag promised a native iPhone app. Yesterday on his blog, Marsedit programmer Daniel Jalkut said an iPhone app is under development but not quite ready yet (And he just repeated that and offered some explanations in the comments below). Ecto’s support boards have a user request for an iPhone version but no reply from the developer yet.

2ND UPDATE: WordPress has posted a video of their “nearly ready to go” native iPhone app and it looks pretty juicy.


4 responses to “Just one blogging app at the iPhone app store isn’t enough”

  1. danielpunkass Avatar

    The WordPress app is supposedly very close to being available.

    As for the rest, you have to remember that designing and developing an application takes time, and then Apple has to accept it and approve it. I'm sure we'll see lots of choices as time goes on. I'm certainly working on MarsEdit!


  2. danielpunkass Avatar

    The WordPress app is supposedly very close to being available.

    As for the rest, you have to remember that designing and developing an application takes time, and then Apple has to accept it and approve it. I'm sure we'll see lots of choices as time goes on. I'm certainly working on MarsEdit!


  3. […] for a blogging app to write entries for this blog (which runs on WordPress). Both WordPress and outside developer Daniel Jalkut (of Mars Edit fame) say they’ll have an app real soon […]

  4. games Avatar

    This article I so true, keep on writing like this, enjoyment to read :) 965

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