Teenage wasteland? Defending the iPhone, dissing the Droid

(As promised, here’s my teenage daughter’s rebuttal to my iPhone 4S whining. Added bonus: she threw in a rant against her brother’s Droid 4)

iPhone world

Listen to your favorite new song by that British boy band you and your friends have become recently obsessed with stream out of your pocket. Fumble around in your pocket until you pull out your phone- streamlined, smooth, made of metal- classic and practically indestructible-but you keep the adorable designer phone case on it anyways. Slide the lock open to answer the call, talk to your best friend as she moans about how she knows no boys.

Decide to get some homework done while she mumbles on- email your french teacher about the new french vocabulary and your math teacher about that simple interest rate equation that nobody on Facebook can remember- as you’ve already checked multiple times in your super-secret group you set up for your class 5 minutes before. Finish talking to your friend and then send your mom directions to [another school] — she’s picking you up there later after the winter play.

Get on the bus ride home- the 6th graders are having a bus party and offer you a cupcake. Someone has their radio and you decide you love the song they’re playing. Go onto iTunes, the largest database of music for mobile devices in existence. Buy the song, it downloads in seconds. You also have a second copy on your computer automatically, just in case you need some homework motivation later.

Open up Pages, and continue writing that English essay that you started last night on your computer- finish it and save to all your devices. One more thing done.

Listen to music from Youtube — and play Temple Run, your new favorite game, at the same time. Get totally distracted from the awesomeness of the game, until Siri reminds you to get some work done, you idiot. Go to the [another school] play and get totally lost on campus.

While jogging through buildings you don’t recognize, tell Siri to text your friend for directions. The text is sent easily, and Siri calls you cupcake, making you smile. Finally get a call from your friend who goes to [another school], he gives you directions and you make it on time.

Enjoy the play, switching your phone to silent with a flip of a conveniently located switch on the side of your phone. Download all the pictures you took on your phone to Facebook. Show your friend that dress you’re planning on wearing to her Bat Mitzvah next weekend using the Nordstrom App. Take silly pictures with friends at the cast party with your amazing camera and make them your wallpaper for your phone, making you laugh every time you take it out. Get an email from your friend- your skit for drama class has been chosen for the Arts assembly this fall. Yes. Beat your friend in words with friends. Double yes.

Go to bed feeling giddy.

Droid World

Hear the cliche wind chime noise emit from your phone- well, it could be yours, but who knows? everyone you know has the exact same ringtone. Curse under your breath as the awkward lock- 9 circles- won’t open because you’ve forgotten your overly complicated lock pattern. Again.

When and if it finally opens, see the cliche wallpaper on your phone- weird black and grey lines- your phone obviously trying to cater to the overly “manly” and wannabe gangsters. You groan. You’d change it to one of the pictures you took with your friends last weekend with Apple Photo Booth, but you can’t connect your phone to your Mac. You also have a horrific camera, so that keeps you from making it anything cool either.

Waste way more money than you should because you have to re-buy every piece of music that you have on your computer. Accidentally log yourself out of your father’s Spotify account and mope. You have no music. Try Youtube, but you can’t do anything else if you do that — the music stops automatically when you close the app. Ugh.

Try and send your sister a text using a voice command app, but it won’t work. On top of that, you can’t even find anything because it’s all jumbled together- there aren’t any categories for easy access like there are on your sister’s iPhone. Stinks for you.

Drop your phone as you get on the bus. The cheap plastic of your cheap case cracks, which you were pretending was protecting the cheap plastic of your phone, although you know it wasn’t. Try and find your Google Maps app to find your way to the Starbucks where your meeting your friend uptown today.

But… where is it? You flip through countless pages of apps that you never use and are all seem to do the same thing. You start to question your purchase of this phone- something you should have done a while ago. More than half of these pages of apps are all Verizon technical stuff. What on earth is “My Verizon”? Are trying to sell you something all over again? ugh. And what is “Let’s Golf!” ? You never bought that. And TMZ? this stinks. You have an app to turn on your vibrate… this is pathetic.

Go to bed and try to set a reminder to go to the Apple store tomorrow and get this atrocity out of your life. But, alas, it doesn’t recognize the the word iPhone. Or any of the others, for that matter. See? Even your phone is in denial.

Go to bed crying about how terrible your life is.



6 responses to “Teenage wasteland? Defending the iPhone, dissing the Droid”

  1. Robert Leather Avatar

    I actually have an iPhone. But lets be honest about the drop test, it’s just as likely to shatter the screen as any other touchscreen job.As for crap apps, are you saying there are none of these in the iTunes store? Hmmmm

  2. Marc Schwachter Avatar

    Horrible, Horrible, Horrible.  I bet you have never used an Android.  I use both for work and home and actually PREFER, the Skyrocket from Samsung.  Hyperbolized crap really.

  3. theteenagedaughter Avatar

    hehehehehehehehehe I WIN. :D
    Love, the winner of the universe. :)

    ps. i resent the title. 

  4. Starman_Andromeda Avatar

    Fantastic!  Wonderful piece!  Hope lots of outlets pick up on it.  It’s sure to prove controversial, but it’s humorously and gently done, so major kudos on that, too.

  5. melci Avatar

    There’s a heck of a lot more crap in the Google MarketPlace, I mean Google Play.  

    With Google not weeding out the chaff, 45% of apps are spamware, there’s stacks of copyright infringing garbage, not to mention the 13,000 malware apps and malicious exploits…

    And then of course there is all the carrier crapware pre-loaded by your favourite Orifice.

  6. George Avatar

    I think your defense of the iPhone is a bit one-sided… Okay, *really* one-sided.  To make my position clear, I’m an Android fan.  You’re comparing the iPhone (4S? probably) against the Droid.  Instead, to even the playing field a bit, I’ll be doing some comparing against the Galaxy Nexus.

    First, the iPhone has its own limited set of ringtones.  You can buy more or make your own, but the former option is expensive and the latter option is slightly convoluted.  Otherwise, you’re stuck with the few tones that come with the stock OS.

    On the Galaxy Nexus, you’re given several different lock screen options, ranging from none-at-all to a simple unlock ring (which gives instant access to the camera, silent, and some other things as well) to a pattern unlock to a PIN to a full password.  Oh, and face recognition, too.  Try that on an iPhone!

    Of course, the wallpaper on Android is infinitely more customizable than that of an iPhone’s…  There are numerous live wallpapers, built-in wallpapers, and you can set your own, as well.  The inability to copy pics from Photo Booth is a result of Photo Booth’s lack of transparency about where it stores pics.

    Music?  Android’s integration with all kinds of cloud music players is a given.  The playing field is pretty much level here.

    Ditto with dropping the phone.  Get a decent case and they both will live if you drop them.  No case?  Mmmh, start shopping.

    Voice dictation:  again, a level playing field.  Siri won’t work in noisy environments either.

    That’s pretty much it…  There are some other things, like Apple’s selection of junk apps that come with the phone (Stocks, anyone?), but mostly that’s it.

    I’m not trying to totally diss your article; I think it’s actually pretty well-written.  But the reality of Android is a bit different than it is portrayed above :).

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