Yelping for fun and profit – well, fun anyway

Yelp dot com logoTrue to my astrological sign, Taurus, I’m always on the look out for some new, fancy-shmancy restaurant or coffee shop or paper store or whatever. As such, I’m starting to get more and more into the local review site I’m adding my Yelp profile page to my links list here and dropping the Facebook application Yelper to my FB profile page, too.

Yelp is a very long-tailish sort of Internet destination. Here I am in Needham, Massachusetts, reviewing and reading reviews for the local joints and establishments that I like best. I’m swimming in a pretty small pond of Yelp’s hundreds of thousands of reviews from cities all over the country. But I can see the amount of effort most reviewers put into their postings of places I know first hand and that makes me trust Yelp all the more if I’m going someplace new or looking for hot spots in a different city. It’s also another example of Facebook’s social network tying things together. With Yelper, my reviews show in my FB news stream for all my friends, hopefully encouraging them to become yelpers too and then feed me with their reviews. It’s a virtuous circle. Sweet.



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One response to “Yelping for fun and profit – well, fun anyway”

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