A couple of weeks ago, I installed the free-trial version of a program called Syncopation to keep the iTunes music libraries on my laptop and desktop Macs in sync. It worked pretty well, as I noted in my July 3 review, but I did notice that one of the promised features — one I especially liked — wasn’t working as advertised.
Syncopation was supposed to keep not just the music files in sync on my two computers but also the key attributes iTunes tracks, like star ratings and number of times played. After the initial sync, however, I was getting no glory on metadata syncing. So I dropped an email to the support site of the publisher, Sonzea, and got a pretty quick response from developer Alan Pearson. After a quick back and forth, he got to work and within days posted an updated version of Syncopation (2.1.1) that quashed the bug. And, Pearson sent me a personal email notifying me of the fix. That is great customer service. Needless to say, I just paid $25 for a full license.
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