Shrook, shrook not quite Shrook

Well, the Shrook feed reading experiment is over and the NetNewsWire experiment begins. Shrook is an offline reader that synchronizes with its own online web-based reader. Re-inventing the wheel (in this case, re-inventing Bloglines) is not a winning strategy. Ah, but NetNewsWire, another offline reader, actually synchronizes with Bloglines. It also uses my .Mac account to synchronize its offline program on my laptop and mini. Sweet – at least so far.



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One response to “Shrook, shrook not quite Shrook”

  1. Joost van de Loo Avatar
    Joost van de Loo

    Hi there. I see you’ve been testing Shrook and writing about it. I was wondering whether you can advise me. Last week I downloaded Shrook’s latest version and since then it crashes every time I try to start it.

    Though I was quite happy with Shrook I am alright with switching to another reader. But I need it to work at least one more time to export all my feeds…

    The problem is that Graham Park doesn’t answer any emails (probably too much spam). So I don’t know what to do.

    Can you help me get in touch with him? Or maybe you have another idea?
    I really miss my feeds..


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