MacBook Pro – it gets worse before it gets better

As more and more becomes known about the new Intel-based MacBook Pro, there’s more and more to get worried about. Rosyna at’s blog has a host of concerns beyond those that I mentioned yesterday, including the demise of dual-sided DVD writing capability and the loss of the PowerPC’s Altivec feature that speeds up multimedia. She concludes:

“All in all, it doesn’t seem like the MacBook Pro is a very compelling laptop, especially without a 17-inch version. It actually seems like these things (the iMac too) were rushed into production. The MacBook Pro’s case differs little from the old one and the iMac’s case doesn’t differ at all sans a mini-DVI out. The MacBook Pro does have one compelling feature, the magnetized power adapter. I’ve tripped over my current AC adapter so many times I’ve lost count. And it’s fallen on my toes and cut up my shins when it falls. Snakes on a plane.”

Me too.



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2 responses to “MacBook Pro – it gets worse before it gets better”

  1. Chris Volker Avatar
    Chris Volker

    Apple states that the MacBook Pro will be up to 5x faster than the old G4.
    It actually is up to 5x faster but that doesn´t mean it will deliver up to
    5x more performance since it uses a totally different architecture.
    While the G4 uses RISC technology the Intel DuoCore uses CISC which
    requires much faster clock cicles to deliver the same performance.
    Remember those old Apple Commercials where they compare IBM against
    Intel CPU´s and they always smoked the Intel´s while running at lower speeds!

  2. Alex Avatar

    “Remember those old Apple Commercials” – that’s the key, they are old and they are apple commercials :) its been years since apple laptops have been even remotely speed competitive with intel platforms. You can lookup pretty much any common benchmark apps for results… On the other hand you absolutely correct it will not be 5 time faster … but according to the first benchmarks it is 2 to 3 times faster :) Apple was always a king in looks but it has not been on the technology edge for a long time now … and dont even get em going about bugs in their first OS 10 releases and problems with their first server releases….

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