Tag: airtunes

  • Getting Verizon’s Actiontec to play with Airport Express and Remote App

    (Updated 5/13/2010) With Apple’s new Remote App for the iPhone and iPod Touch, the teeming masses who couldn’t afford hyper-expensive schemes (cough – Sonos – cough) to connect their digital music collections to their stereos suddenly had an alternative. If you load Remote onto your iPod, you can control iTunes on the Mac in your…

  • Useful info getting out on new iPhone apps like e-reader

    The iPhone coverage tsunami continues unabated and, thanks to the long-tail of new media and blogging, we can find people writing about just those aspects of this mega-story that we find most interesting. For example, the What’s on iPhone blog has a lengthy review up of the new Fictionwise e-book reader for iPhones and iPods…