Tag: header image

  • Androids and apples among the sci-fi

    It’s amazing, or maybe it’s not amazing at all, how quickly people jump to conclusions about your motives after you write a blog post they don’t like. There were actually commenters recently who thought I was picking on Apple because I obviously hated the company and loved Android. How did they know? They saw the…

  • Android Android amongst the scifi

    New header image today — it’s the Android Android cookie jar that sits amongst my scifi collection.

  • Stone age video games

    Changed the header image from the pile o’ acorns to the rock eats rocks seen above. Picked up a few rocks that reminded me of PacMan. I call this image “Stone Age Video Game.”

  • New Header Image: the Joys of Wiffle Ball

    Time to switch out the picture at the top of the blog. Spring peepers are long gone. The dog days of August mean lots of Cape Cod wiffle ball. I couldn’t participate competitively this year thanks to my knee surgery so you’ll have to enjoy the rest of the boys at play.