Tag: iphone 3g

  • The iPhone has lost its lead and needs a rethink, not a retread

    “iPhone is a revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone,” Steve Jobs, Jan 9, 2007 Introducing the iPhone From the first version of the iPhone through at least a couple of revisions of its hardware and software, the thing stood so far ahead of any other phone…

  • Following up: the new iPhone is even more expensive

    Got plenty of opinionated comments on my prior post about pricing of the new iPhone 3G. Thanks for all the comments. Just a couple of quick responses from me First, my main point is about how Apple and AT&T’s shift from higher up-front cost to higher per-month fees radically altered the sales projections. Thought experiment:…

  • New iPhone pricing proves consumers are idiots

    There’s lots of fascinating research about just how truly horrible consumers and investors we all are most of the time. The field of behavioral economics has produced much scholarship along these lines. Princeton professor Danny Kahneman won the Nobel Prize for economics in 2002 for his research showing in essence that people make radically different…