Tag: shopping
It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times: Tough to buy a new Mac
I wandered into a local Apple store this week to check out the latest goodies. Afraid that my resolve might be even weaker than my bank account, I left my wallet in the car. But I needn’t have worried. We’ve arrived at a point in time for Apple users where the shear number of ongoing…
Hot stuff, cold crap – shopping for your nerd gear in 2012
I’d planned to spend a couple of hours watching my son at the first Little League clinic of the season today, but turned out it wasn’t that kind of clinic — dads begone. Like all good gadgetistas, though, I had a few niggling unmet accessory needs to fill. So sprung for a couple of hours of…
Damp, drizzly November in my computer-acquiring soul
Last year was quite a year — maybe the best year ever — for acquiring computers around these parts. In January, bulking up my new home office, I bought a 24″ iMac. Best desktop computer I’ve owned, by far. In April, my mom needed a Windows Pc to do her taxes so I sent over…