Category: software

  • Hurray, Civ IV on my PB

    Just one more month until Civ IV is available for Macs. Hmm, should make the daily commute more fun and the rest of life slightly less productive…

  • My indi-adventure begins

    And it doesn’t have anything to do with Harrison Ford’s upcoming flick, which doesn’t arrive until next year. Instead, I got an email today that starts: Hello Aaron, In the recent past you requested to join the “indi” software Beta program. Please accept this as your invitation. Ok, I did and I will.

  • New stuff floating my boat

    Catching up on a bunch of feeds at Bloglines this morning, I found my inbox filed with news of cool stuff. The upgrade of Firefox on my Powerbook g4 renders page with super speed that puts Safari to shame. Next, and I can’t quite decide whether this is great or insane, a service called…

  • Can overhyped Flock deliver?

    Once upon a time, oh say, 6 months ago, the hypemiesters descended on a new browser called Flock that wasn’t quite ready for primetime leading to the inevitable backlash. Flock, based on open-source Firefox code, was supposed to have nifty integration with blogs and photo sites and other such socially-oriented web 2.0 stuff but it…

  • Any indi-viduals wanna invite me into the beta?

    The holy grail of over-connected, excessively web surfing, data drowning knowledge workers like me is some sort of vast, self-synchronizing, ubiquitious data management app that would let me get access to any phone number, email address, calandar entry, to-do item, bookmark etc. from anywhere. Lately, I’ve been adding apps to a nifty Ultra II SD…

  • Hooking up with Spam Karma 2

    All of a sudden, the bad guys have discovered my blog, the spam bad guys that is. Everything had been hunky-dory with this blog’s administration since I switched over to WordPress just about two months ago now. I set WordPress to email me every time I received a comment so I could moderate posts. Posts…

  • iPhoto 6 speed-up is real

    So says web developer Garrett Murray on his blog. Like Garrett, I buy the iLife suite updates almost exclusively for iPhoto so this is happy news: “Application Loading (from launch until all thumbnails appear) iPhoto 5: 14.1 seconds iPhoto 6: 3.0 seconds Application Closing (from quit command until gone) iPhoto 5: 9.4 seconds iPhoto 6:…

  • Best in show at macworld – nice gear

    Beyond the well-rehearsed revelations of his Steveness, the Macworld Expo is also an opportunity for the rest of the Mac ecosystem to show off its latest and greatest wares. I’m obviously not in SF, but I caught up with some cool-looking stuff via Macs Only and Macworld. Keep in mind that I haven’t actually touched…

  • Google Earth is on the Mac – Now update my block!

    Thanks to my old boss, John Battelle, I learned that Google has finally released a Mac version of its useful and nifty mapping program, Google Earth, that lets you zoom all around satellite photos of the world, measure distances and generally get to know any place like the birds do. Downloaded to my 17″ Powerbook…

  • MacBook Pro – when little problems add up

    Updated 1/11 after Carl Longino commented that I incorrectly described his post Kudos to Steve Jobs and Co for pulling off the transition to Intel chips faster than most expected. At today’s MacWorld show, Jobs unveiled an iMac and a new laptop, dubbed the MacBook Pro (will iBooks soon be renamed MacBook amateur?) running with…