Category: software

  • Google saves Outlook email search

    Like many Mac users, I suppose, I must make do with a Windows XP box at work. Blah. But the true horror is being forced to use Microsoft Outlook, likely the worst email program I have ever seen. One of the very worst features is the brain-damaged search function that works like a snail in…

  • Google gains from MSN ads…

    As I noted here a few months ago when Microsoft started running pretty generic TV ads for its search service, such a move by an upstart can have the effect of helping the market leader. Surprise, surprise, as the Wall Street Journal notes today (subscription required): “Bill Gates has talked a lot about how Microsoft…

  • Simple advice — do not install Tiger today

    In the history of personal computers, there is one iron-clad rule: never, ever, no matter what, do not,, no-how, nada, NEVER install an operating system upgrade the day it comes out. Brand new operating system upgrades are for loons, people who use computers mostly to watch the cute screen savers and reviewers who get…

  • Great news on phones and isync in Tiger

    Apple unveiled a lot of details about its next OS release, Tiger, due April 29. I’m intrigued by promised abilities to synchronize all manner of stuff between and betwixt various Macs. Also — great news — the list of phones that will work with iSync is not only much longer, it finally lists Bluetooth compatibility…

  • MSN’s Search ads will help Google

    Some years ago, I was interviewing Bob Pittman, the now-departed chief operating officer of America Online and he gave me a golden nugget of marketing advice. Before coming to AOL, he ran the theme park operator Six Flags. When did Disney World have its best year for attendance, he asked me. The year that Six…

  • Nifty weather display for Macs

    Someone was recently complaining that there was no Mac equivalent to the program Weather Bug, which sits in the Windows taskbar and displays the temperature and an icon for current weather conditions in a city of your choosing — and links to a lot of ads when you click for more details, yuck. Anyway, all…

  • Review of iPhoto 5.0

    (Updated with quick slide show button on 1/27 and on 2/3 with 5.01 release) Steve Jobs’ introduction of the updated iPhoto in the iLife suite had me salivating immediately. Cutting the price of photo prints in half from 39 cents to 19 cents and offering a zillion new options for photo books (also at lower…

  • iPhoto 5.01 is out

    Apple has listened! They’re out with iPhoto 5.01. Fixes include: upgrading iPhoto 4 libraries, dragging albums into folder, importing MPEG 4 movies, and also includes a number of other minor fixes. So far it only seems to be available through “Software Update” but I’m sure it will be posted on the web soon. Original review

  • Vanity search ratings

    My old boss, John Battelle, who among other projects writes SearchBlog, has a tongue-in-cheek method of evaluating new search engines. Discussing beta search site exalead, he checks how it performs on the vanity search, aka your name in quotes. I like this idea (although my wife says this post should be called “it’s all about…