Simple advice — do not install Tiger today

In the history of personal computers, there is one iron-clad rule: never, ever, no matter what, do not,, no-how, nada, NEVER install an operating system upgrade the day it comes out. Brand new operating system upgrades are for loons, people who use computers mostly to watch the cute screen savers and reviewers who get paid to, in the words of author Jerry Pournelle, do these silly things so you don’t have to.

Apple’s new OS X release is out today. It’s getting great reviews and I’m sure it’s worthy. But it’s also for sure going to break a bunch of things — that key software program you need for work, a 2-year old photo scanner you’re using for a current project, the firewire drive you use to back up everything, whatever. For example, there’s already been a report that Tiger breaks VPN client software for connecting to Cisco-equipped networks. That’s really serious if you use your Mac to tunnel into a network at work, as I do. The previous upgrade to Panther broke access to many firewire drives, crashed when viewing some PDFs and required an upgrade for one of my must-have utility programs, X-ray.

If you wait until, say, next Tuesday, all the thousands of morons who did install will be reporting what broke. You can follow the action at a site like Macintouch or MacFixit. After a few days, you’ll be able to determine whether an install is worth it based on your own particular needs.

Don’t be wowed by hype or the reviewers or even truly useful new features. Wait. To paraphrase the sneaker vendors, just don’t do it — not today.

ps Apple is already planning the first bug fix, 10.4.1, due out in just a few week…



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7 responses to “Simple advice — do not install Tiger today”

  1. […] Kudos to Steve Jobs and Co for pulling off the transition to Intel chips faster than most expected. At today’s MacWorld show, Jobs unveiled an iMac and a new laptop, dubbed the MacBook Pro (will iBooks soon be renamed MacBook amateur?) running with Intel chips. I’d certainly recommend staying away from these machines for a while if for no other reason than to avoid the inevitable software bugs and lack of native apps (Remember my OS X Tiger warning). They may offer amazing theoretical speed advantages over current chips, but those advantages will clearly be curtailed when you run existing software under emulation. And in this case, there will be hardware and software glitches as part of the double transition. […]

  2. […] I always say wait on upgrades to key software and the newest version of WordPress is no exception. Let somebody else work the kinks out while I keep getting work done. I’ll get the same new gee-whiz features a week or two later while avoiding all the disasters and head aches suffered by the early adopters. I have a cheap Mac mini at home and one of its main roles is as a testbed of new or updated software. […]

  3. […] out and be the first on your block to experience the snafus and annoyances of brand new hardware or software. I am NOT predicting here that the iPhone will be flop. Au contrare. In fact, I’m sure it […]

  4. […] turned its back on your old scanner in the middle of a big photo digitization project. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – when it comes to operating system upgrades, first generation hardware […]

  5. TennPBB Avatar

    why? is there something with tiger

  6. […] the same solid advice I gave in one of my very first posts here, back on April 29, 2005: In the history of personal computers, there is one iron-clad rule: never, ever, no matter what, do […]

  7. […] is the same advice I've been doling out for years and it's been correct every time. In April, 2005, it was to wait on Tiger. Tiger broke networking in Virtual PC, messed up Final Cut Pro on some set-ups and k-o-ed HyperCard […]

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