Category: Companies
Fantastico or who won’t let me upgrade WordPress
It’s a real “hmmm” moment with my just-installed WordPress 2.5. There are a couple of annoying bugs, as I mentioned yesterday, so I want to upgrade to version 2.5.1. But my web hosting service, Bluehost, uses a program called Fantastico De Luxe to give me the capability to install and upgrade WordPress on their server.…
Speaking of simple, upgraded to WordPress 2.5
Fantastico, the web server application installation service used by my hosting company, finally posted version 2.5 of WordPress so I hit the button for the upgrade. So far no visible hiccups. The writing and administration screens are less colorful than before but I have yet to uncover many differences. The Mandigo theme, upgraded to version…
OS X Leopard — we have arrived
(Updated 3/26) The addition of a spiffy new Apple Time Capsule prompted the final move in our household to OS X 10.5 aka Leopard. After holding off for five months on my most important, work critical system, a 15″ Macbook Pro, I swallowed hard, threw a pinch of salt over my shoulder and inserted the…
Apple’s Time Capsule plays nice with Verizon’s FIOS
Wow, that was easy. Sometimes Apple’s auto-magic, self-configuring stuff works just as advertised. Sometimes, it’s Apple’s penchant for knowing how to simplify the front-end to hide the wacky back-end that carries the day. In the case of the new Time Capsule wireless base station with hard drive, it’s both. Phew. I’ve been using OS X…
Zenfolio, Lightroom and the art of digital picture maintenance
The intersection of everything with magical, behind-the-scenes connections continues to blow me away. Today, I’ve been admiring the photo archiving and display site Zenfolio along with a nifty, high-powered plug-in for Adobe Lightroom written by software consultant Jeffrey Friedl that makes uploading photos a snap. The cool thing about Lightroom’s export system it that can…
Three friggin millimeters, Steve Jobs, is all I ask
(Updated 1/25) The more I think about the new uber-thin Macbook Air, the more confused I am about one design decision in particular. I can get over the lack of ports, the add-on optical drive, the wimpy graphics. But I keep coming back to the dreadfully small hard drive which maxes out at 80 gigabytes.…
Thin is in but I’m not sure why
Steve Jobs had a couple of widely leaked “surprises” to unveil at yesterday’s Macworld show. As we’d all read everywhere for the past few weeks, Apple added rental movies to its iTunes download store. The selection is a bit small and the 30-day delay from DVD release to rental seems ridiculous but, hey, these are…
It’s a heavy, heavy snow out there
Wandered out today ’round my Needham, MA, home to give my Canon Rebel XT digital camera (complete with Canon’s wunderbar 50mm 1.4 EF lens) a cold weather work out in the umpty-umpth snow storm of the 2007-2008 winter class. If I had to categorize this dump of some 6 to 8 inches, I’d call it…
Inching the household up to Mac OS X 10.5
Slowly I turned, inch by inch…well, not literally. But with the first dot-1 update out to Apple’s new operating system, Leopard, and more updated programs available as well, I’m inching my household towards full upgrade-hood. As I mentioned the other day, my antiquated, first gen Mac mini was the first to get hit with Leopard…