Category: Companies
First impression of WordPress iPhone app: a solid B
This short post comes to you courtesy of the brand new WordPress app for iPhones and iPods Touch. It’s short because typing on my iPod gives me a headache but my first impression of the app is a positive one. Set up took under 30 seconds and I was ready to post. There are fields…
Getting excited for upcoming iPhone/iPod apps
There’s plenty to love already in Apple’s app store for iPhones and iPods Touch but I’m chomping at the bit for a few “coming soon” programs that can’t get here soon enough. First and foremost, as I mentioned the other day, I’m looking for a blogging app to write entries for this blog (which runs…
Getting Verizon’s Actiontec to play with Airport Express and Remote App
(Updated 5/13/2010) With Apple’s new Remote App for the iPhone and iPod Touch, the teeming masses who couldn’t afford hyper-expensive schemes (cough – Sonos – cough) to connect their digital music collections to their stereos suddenly had an alternative. If you load Remote onto your iPod, you can control iTunes on the Mac in your…
Sony’s only removing crapware for business users
I’ve owned several Sony laptops in my day. There’s still a long-dead but gorgeous purple Vaio 505 laptop in the closet upstairs. And one thing I knew whenever I bought a new Sony was that I’d be spending my first hour or two with the new machine not having fun but removing and uninstalling all…
Next-gen Kindle coming in time for the holidays?
(UPDATE: Amazon chief spokesman Craig Berman told the New York Times on August 28 that there would be no new Kindles in 2008.) The gadgeteers over on Crunchgear are reporting a tip about the next generation of Amazon’s fabulous Kindle e-book reader and, if the tipster is correct, Amazon has listened to a lot of…
Gold star for Syncopation developer and bug crusher Pearson
A couple of weeks ago, I installed the free-trial version of a program called Syncopation to keep the iTunes music libraries on my laptop and desktop Macs in sync. It worked pretty well, as I noted in my July 3 review, but I did notice that one of the promised features — one I especially…
Useful info getting out on new iPhone apps like e-reader
The iPhone coverage tsunami continues unabated and, thanks to the long-tail of new media and blogging, we can find people writing about just those aspects of this mega-story that we find most interesting. For example, the What’s on iPhone blog has a lengthy review up of the new Fictionwise e-book reader for iPhones and iPods…
Just one blogging app at the iPhone app store isn’t enough
It’s definitely an all-iPhone, all-day kind of day with wall-to-wall coverage everywhere. I’m keeping up with the torrent of news at John Gruber’s Daring Fireball site as well as the most useful Mac aggregation site I’ve found, MacSurfer. There’s so much out there that I almost want to avoid writing anything more but one weird…
Fictionwise e-reader for iPhone equals new Kindle competitor
Via a quick tweet from John Siracusa, I see that electronic book publisher Fictionwise has released a free e-book reader program for iPhones and iPod Touches (or should it be iPods Touch?) running Apple’s 2.0 operating system. This could be a big deal as Fictionwise is one of the more established players in the e-book…
Google browser sync: I’m not dead yet
About a month ago, I noted the bad news that Google was ending development of one of the most useful Firefox add-ons ever, the Google browser sync extension. This nifty piece of code not only kept your bookmarks synced between different computers (across different operating systems, too) but also coordinated browsing history, cookies and passwords.…