Category: Companies
Finally, an EVDO card for Expresscard/34 slots
After eight months of waiting and delays, Verizon Wireless has finally announced a new wireless broadband card that can fit in the bizarro world Expresscard/34 slot of the nearly-new Macbook Pro. The Novatel V640 will cost $180 with a “new” two-year agreement and $230 with a “new” one year agreement but no word in the…
Wow, 10.4.7 sees my Verizon Novatel card
I’ve been successfully using a Verizon wireless broadband card (the Novatel v620 pc card) since April in my Powerbook thanks to a software hack from the good folk at the EVDO Info web site. It basically made the Novatel card look like any other modem, showing up on a pull down list on my menu…
New camera needs lots of accessories
For a recent business trip to Alaska (sweet!), I determined that my trusty & wonderful Canon SD 400 Digital Elph wasn’t up to snuff. So I splurged on a digital SLR that was on sale at Best Buy, Canon’s Rebel XT. Va-va-voom. It’s big and bulky but takes me back to the days of my…
Boo-hoo, Civ IV Mac
Well, it seems you need a G5 or Intel-based Mac to play Civ IV. Looks like I’m outta luck since I’ve got neither and the whole idea was to play on the commuter train on my Powerbook G4 (ps don’t ever, ever buy 1st generation hardware like round I of the new Macbook Pro). At…
Hurray, Civ IV on my PB
Just one more month until Civ IV is available for Macs. Hmm, should make the daily commute more fun and the rest of life slightly less productive…
Slowly comes the needed stuff for Macbook Pro
Phew — according to Om Malik, here comes a wireless broadband card (in Verizon and Sprint’s EV-DO flavor) that fits in the MacBook Pro’s new expresscard/34 slot. And the good folk at EVDOInfo even have a photo. Yes.
Where oh where is an iPod recorder
I’m loving my iPod “with video” more than ever, but I am missing big-time the recording capability of my old 3G iPod with its Griffin Technology iTalk accessory. I’ve been waiting for months for a replacement. In January, a small company called Xtrememac pre-announced a product called the Micromemo that looked cool, was a bit…
Verizon and Tivo, so greedy together
I owe a post on Tivo, or on the Toshiba-made RS-TX20 combo Tivo DVR and DVD burner that arrived on Christmas, but that will have to wait for another day with more free time (short version – it’s awesome except for the way it changes channels on our cable box). Instead, I’ll just loudly complain…
Canon wisely chooses to back down megapixels
The bane of my existence, or at least the part of my life devoted to being a gadget hound and early adopter, is feature creep — the annoying tendency of tech companies to pile on feature after feature with each new iteration of a product until the original usefulness is buried. This tendency explains why…
Hooking up with Spam Karma 2
All of a sudden, the bad guys have discovered my blog, the spam bad guys that is. Everything had been hunky-dory with this blog’s administration since I switched over to WordPress just about two months ago now. I set WordPress to email me every time I received a comment so I could moderate posts. Posts…